Dişe Dokunmadan Yapılan Porselen Laminalar (Prep-Less Laminalar)

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Dişe Dokunmadan Yapılan Porselen Laminalar (Prep-Less Laminalar)

Dişe Dokunmadan Yapılan Porselen Laminalar (Prep-Less Laminalar), diş hekimliğinde kullanılan bir uygulamadır. Bu uygulama, dişlerinizi kesmeden, zımparalamadan veya hazırlama işlemlerine gerek kalmadan dişlerinize estetik bir görünüm kazandırmanızı sağlar. Bu sayede, dişlerinizin doğal yapısını koruyarak, daha güzel bir gülümseme elde edebilirsiniz.

Prep-less Laminator application is performed with a special material placed on the teeth in a thin layer. This material is tooth-coloured, transparent and durable. These laminates, which are designed to suit your teeth, regulate the color, size and shape of your teeth, making them look more aesthetic.

Prep-less Laminator application is preferred by people who have problems such as crookedness, discoloration, cracks or fractures in their teeth. It can also be used by people who want to close the gaps between their teeth, make their teeth straighter, prevent tooth wear, or regulate the length of their teeth. Prep-Less Laminator application is performed quickly and painlessly. Thanks to its application without cutting or sanding your teeth, the natural structure of your teeth is preserved and you will not feel any pain or sensitivity after the application. This application is also long-lasting and can be used for many years if properly maintained.

In our polyclinic, Prep-less Laminator applications are performed by dentists who are experts in the field of dentistry, using the most up-to-date techniques and equipment. You can contact us for a healthy mouth and aesthetic smile.

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