What is Mustache Transplantation?

Mustache transplantation is a procedure that involves transplanting healthy hair follicles using FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) or DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) techniques to areas with sparse, damaged, or absent mustaches due to scars, injuries, or genetics. This procedure allows men to achieve a thick, natural-looking mustache, boosting their self-confidence and enhancing their appearance.

How is Mustache Transplantation Performed?

Mustache transplantation is typically performed under local anesthesia and involves the following steps:

  1. Identifying the Donor Area:
    The donor area is usually chosen from regions with denser hair growth, such as the nape or behind the ears. These hair follicles are genetically resistant to shedding and are ideal for transplantation.
  2. Harvesting Hair Follicles:
    • In the FUE technique, individual hair follicles are extracted using a micromotor.
    • In the DHI technique, follicles are implanted directly into the recipient area using a special implanter pen.
  3. Opening Channels:
    The target area for transplantation is carefully determined by the specialist. Tiny microchannels are opened using fine needles in a minimally invasive way.
  4. Placing the Follicles:
    The extracted follicles are meticulously placed into the channels, ensuring they follow the natural direction of hair growth for a realistic and aesthetic appearance.
  5. Dressing and Recovery:
    After the procedure, the treated area is dressed. Mild scabbing is normal in the first few days, and these scabs will naturally fall off. The transplanted follicles may initially shed within 10 days, but new hair growth will begin after a few months.

Who is Suitable for Mustache Transplantation?

Men aged 20 and above without any significant health issues are suitable candidates for mustache transplantation. This procedure is ideal for individuals with the following conditions:

Advantages of Mustache Transplantation

Things to Know Before Mustache Transplantation

To manage expectations and achieve the best results, here are some key points to consider before the procedure:

Choosing the Right Doctor

Mustache transplantation is a critical aesthetic procedure that should be performed by an experienced specialist. Pay attention to the doctor’s qualifications, past procedures, and the clinic’s accreditation.


A detailed consultation with your doctor is essential. During this consultation, your doctor will evaluate your facial structure, hair and skin characteristics, and mustache condition. Your expectations and the number of follicles required will also be discussed. This is a great opportunity to ask any questions you have about the process.

Blood Tests

Your doctor may require some blood tests to ensure there are no risks of infection before the procedure.


If you are taking blood-thinning medications like aspirin, your doctor may advise you to stop temporarily to minimize the risk of bleeding.

Preparation Before Surgery

It’s recommended to avoid smoking and alcohol before the procedure, as these can impair circulation and slow down the healing process.

Post-Procedure Care

To achieve optimal results, follow these post-procedure care instructions:

  1. Dressing:
    Use the prescribed dressing materials for a few days and avoid wetting the treated area.
  2. Medications:
    Take the prescribed medications regularly to reduce the risk of infection and promote faster healing.
  3. Sleeping Position:
    Avoid sleeping on your stomach during the first few days. Try to sleep on your back or side to prevent pressure on the treated area.
  4. Washing the Area:
    Start washing the area with special solutions at the recommended time. Be gentle to avoid damaging the newly transplanted follicles.
  5. Avoid Saunas and Pools:
    Stay away from saunas, steam rooms, and pools for a while to reduce the risk of infection.
  6. Physical Activities:
    Refrain from intense physical activities for a few days. Follow your doctor’s advice on when you can resume exercise.
  7. Scabbing:
    Scabs may form on the treated area within the first few days. Allow them to fall off naturally; avoid picking at them.
  8. Shedding of Transplanted Hair:
    Some transplanted follicles may shed initially—this is a normal part of the process. New hair will begin to grow in a few months.
  9. Follow-Up Appointments:
    Attend your follow-up appointments as scheduled to monitor your progress and address any concerns early on.

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